I didn't get a chance to post last week. It was far too beautiful. We were out and about using the world as our classroom. On Friday we used the beach.
We found an amazing beach not a million miles away from us. It's a do as you please beach, cars, dogs, horses are all welcome. There are even sand dunes which the older boys adored. We took a geography workbook with us about sand which after a couple of hours hard playing, they were really interested in. George 1 even found the perfect place to study, a beautiful secluded sand dune. It was perfect.
It's been a long winter and choosing a hat proved too much! |
Not sure how to rotate the image - sorry - Georgiana enjoyed the beach too |
The beach was almost deserted. Another home ed perk! |
This was their favourite dune. They must have gone up and down a hundred times. When we got home George 2 was pouring sand out of his pockets all over the dining room floor. |
Ooo, sand dunes. I remember when I was a wee one, my family would take our sledge to the beach to slide down the dunes.