Today has been hugely successful. After a morning spent doing some maths and literacy for a couple of hours, George 1st suggested decorating some goose eggs. I told him we'd have to blow them first. We had a lot of fun blowing the eggs, One of them even exploded up MamaSmu's nose!!
The yolk definitely proved tricky! |
The boys then decorated their eggs to make 3 Humpty Dumptys
It's shameful to say, but apart from the one the do got as a treat, we didn't do anything with them. They're great in baking (which I wasn't in the mood for yesterday) but no one really like them scrambled or anything. They're very rich. The willow twig idea sounds lovely. As we get 2 or 3 goose eggs and 5 chicken eggs a day, we could in theory have quite a display. Not sure the veins in my head would survive though!!