I've been thinking a lot lately about who I am. What defines me and what I do. I think the start of 2014 has helped me to re focus and put some things into perspective. So, who am I?
I'm a wife, and a mother and a daughter.
I'm a home educator.
I'm a Mormon.
I'm a woman who's supported and helped to fly by those who love me most.
I have Multiple Sclerosis.
2013 was not our year. With Dada Smu setting up his business and my health worries leading to a diagnosis of MS in April last year, I wasn't having the best time. I didn't go out as much as I'd have liked to, I didn't socialise. I felt anxious for a lot of the time and just wanted to be home where I felt safe. I made sure that the children's education was kept up with but if I'm honest, none of us had our hearts in it.
We had some good times too. We went on holiday to Croatia, I spent time with long lost family, we found out that we'll be welcoming baby number 5 into our family later this year, we had the best Christmas we've ever had!
This year has started very differently to last year. Educationally we're on fire. I now have 3 school aged children (although one is not yet compulsory school age) and we're loving doing a bit more structured work. It's still very autonomous in nature, but the children are requesting various types of academic activities. Each of them are discovering their own interests and talents, each of them are so different. Home education works differently for each child and that's one of the beautiful things about it.
I'm grateful for new starts. I'm grateful that 2014 is looking more promising from day one than 2013 did. I'm grateful to live the life I do. There are things I wish hadn't happened last year, yet our trials help us to grow and I have learned things through my trials last year that I could never have learned otherwise. I'm so grateful to have a husband who cherishes me and let's me fly. For a mother who has passed on her incredible strength to me. For children who love life as much as I do. I'm grateful to live in a country where I'm free to choose the best path for my family to take. And most of all, I'm grateful to be who I am!